AEW Logo Pack I – DL Available

I got bored and decided to make some basic logos for All Elite Wrestling.

Download options available below.

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I am no graphic designer, I wish I was; I just don’t have the imagination when it comes to designing logos and the creativity that goes into it.

I think I’m capable of writing decent fictional stories, and decent professional wrestling storylines. But when it comes to designing logos? I don’t think I have it in me.

However, sometimes I do get into a deep creative mood, and I try my best even if the end product is incredibly simple.

Recently, an old hobby of mine has found new life within me. Way back in my WWE 2K18 days, I decided to start making pay-per-view and show posters for my WWE Universe Mode. I would sit on the computer for hours during classes and on my days off designing posters for my upcoming events in MyUniverse.

Though, that hobby was placed on the shelf during the pandemic days, and WWE 2K22 wasn’t fun enough for me to make pay-per-view posters for all of the events I had planned. I made a couple, but I didn’t even have enough motivation to get the WCW Project in MyUniverse off the ground.

I have no idea where this pic of Toni Storm came from. So please don’t hate me if it’s yours ❤

WWE 2K23 isn’t much better. But the game has been fun enough to the point where I’ve gained a reinvigorated form of semi-ultra creativity that is rapidly coursing through my veins. I’ve created dozens of original show logos and pay-per-view posters in the recent weeks.

Sometimes I plan on using them, other times it’s just an exercise to keep my brain active; that’s how tonight’s logo pack started.

I had began with the idea of an All Elite Wrestling (AEW) pay-per-view and storyline idea that I wanted to run in either MyUniverse or the traditional/barebones exhibition match way when AEW: Fight Forever eventually releases.

The AEW PPV is called AEW: Retribution, and the event would center around Toni Storm’s vengeance on a (former) friend with the results of the match ending in a twist.

I really liked my choice of font for the Retribution PPV poster, and it inspired me to toy around with other ideas.

Originally, I was going to use old WWE PPV names such as AEW: St. Valentines Day Massacre (which made the most sense considering they often hold events in Chicago, Illinois), but I ended up with the the idea of event names like AEW: END GAME, and AEW: NO REMORSE. End Game sounded like a really cool end of the year pay-per-view while NO REMORSE is a play on one of my favorite childhood WWE events NO MERCY.

Both felt like they fit All Elite Wrestling incredibly well.

I know AEW doesn’t structure their pay-per-view schedule like WWE does, a structure I prefer in real life. However, it’s easier for me to create start and end points in MyUniverse if I have a twelve event system. I also don’t like the AEW: Revolution, and AEW: Full Gear pay-per-view names; so, these can also substitute for those.

Anyways, feel free to use these logos as you please and credit does not have to be given as I didn’t custom create these fonts and I did not create the logo render. I do ask that you follow me on Twitter for more WWE 2K23 content like this (KingSuplex93) as well as following my Twitch (TheKingSuplex) where I stream WWE 2K23, and my YouTube (KingSuplex93) where I post WWE 2K23 content.

If you did all that, you got 100 cool points from me. Also, if you use these logos in custom arenas, make sure to tag me on Twitter with a pic of your custom arena.

I included the images available for download below. I am not sure if the transparency will follow, so if it doesn’t on WordPress, you can get these at my DeviantArt.

Kings, and Queens; I thank you and I have you have a tremendous day/night.


The Boozerweight

The AEW logo is included with this one, it’s just pure white.


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