AEW Logo Pack I – DL Available

I got bored and decided to make some basic logos for All Elite Wrestling.

Download options available below.

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I am no graphic designer, I wish I was; I just don’t have the imagination when it comes to designing logos and the creativity that goes into it.

I think I’m capable of writing decent fictional stories, and decent professional wrestling storylines. But when it comes to designing logos? I don’t think I have it in me.

However, sometimes I do get into a deep creative mood, and I try my best even if the end product is incredibly simple.

Recently, an old hobby of mine has found new life within me. Way back in my WWE 2K18 days, I decided to start making pay-per-view and show posters for my WWE Universe Mode. I would sit on the computer for hours during classes and on my days off designing posters for my upcoming events in MyUniverse.

Continue reading “AEW Logo Pack I – DL Available”

The prestige and importance of WrestleMania weekend: a celebration of indy wrestling accidentally created by the corporate menace.

WrestleMania weekend has become a celebration of all things pro wrestling, and sports entertainment; it only gets better each year.

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WrestleMania weekend used to consist of WrestleMania on Sunday, the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony on Saturday, and WrestleMania Axess either the same day or one or two days before.

But the extravaganza has grown over the past seven or so years to become a (long) weekend of celebrating independent wrestling whether those promotions live by the definition of pro wrestling, or the ones that dabble in goofiness and a tad bit of sports entertainment. All accidentally created by the corporate wrestling machine known as WWE.

Long before independent wrestling promotions began “piggy backing” off the massive droves of tourists WrestleMania brings in, WWE built up WrestleMania weekend as an extravagant experience that’ll surely give you your money’s worth.

Shameless promotion: make sure to follow me on Twitter (KingSuplex93), Twitch (TheKingSuplex), YouTube (KingSuplex93), and TikTok (RyanTalksWrestling) for more wrestling content!

Continue reading “The prestige and importance of WrestleMania weekend: a celebration of indy wrestling accidentally created by the corporate menace.”

The King’s Report: The Calm Before the Storm (AEW Dynamite 3/30/22)

We have entered a brand-new UNDISPUTED era of All Elite Wrestling, and I cannot wait for the following months in the All-Elite realm.

If you buy something from one of my affiliate ads or links, I earn a commission that goes back into the site. If a FITE TV PPV looks interesting, think about purchasing it through one of my ads or links. I would much appreciate the support. Much love and thank you. Click here for more details.

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Punk declares himself as the next contender for the AEW Championship, Jade Cargill looks for her next historic win, and of course, it’s ALL ABOUT THE BOOM!

Welcome back, everyone for another addition of the Kings Report where I will discuss and breakdown the most recent episode of All Elite Wrestling’s Wednesday Night Dynamite weekly extravaganza spectacle.

What a definition of AEW Dynamite that was, huh? But it’s true. Don’t get me wrong, AEW doesn’t get everything right, but there hasn’t been a pro wrestling promotion that gets it right 100% of the time. What AEW does get right one hundred percent of the time is its entertainment value, and that it rarely (if ever) insults the intelligence of its fans.

Please, if you haven’t checked out AEW, and you’re only basing your opinion from the criticism you’ve heard or read; you have to experience this show for yourself. Especially if you’re a WWE fan or a struggling WWE fan, I implore you to check out AEW for five weeks. That may seem like a lot, but for five weeks watch AEW Dynamite and determine whether or not you really think it’s a terrible wrestling show.

With that being said, I am going to break down the March 30th episode of AEW Dynamite that ended the month with a BOOM!

This segment isn’t a weekly or a monthly addition to the blog, but only written when I have some thoughts and things to say; both good and bad. The most recent episode of AEW Dynamite was a great thought-provoking show for wrestling fans. We had CM Punk announce his ambitions to become AEW World Champion, Jade Cargill looking for another victory to continue her undefeated streak, and the dissension of The Pinnacle increase as we get closer to an FTR face turn thus meaning we are getting closer to a Bret Hart return to All Elite Wrestling.

With that long introduction being said, let’s get onto breaking down this show!

Promotion: Get ready for Invasion! On March 31st AAA Lucha Libre: Invades WrestleCon 2022 live on FITE! The event features two matches with titles on the line and the main event of the evening where Psycho Clown faces off Taurus. Watch the BEST Lucha Libre today for ONLY $14.99. If you’re new to FITE TV, sign up with the invite code 0yg99lo and receive 10 FREE FITE Credits towards a PPV purchase

Shameless promotion: make sure to follow me on Twitter (KingSuplex93), Twitch (TheKingSuplex), YouTube (KingSuplex93), and TikTok (RyanTalksWrestling) for more wrestling content!

Continue reading “The King’s Report: The Calm Before the Storm (AEW Dynamite 3/30/22)”

The Kings Report: AEW Dynamite (3/2/22) – An Honorable Announcement

We kick off the AEW Revolution go-home episode of AEW Dynamite with an HONORABLE announcement from Tony Khan himself.

Tony Khan makes an honorable announcement on this episode of AEW Dynamite.

Disclaimer: I am once again behind, but only by a week. That is why this review is late.

We are only a few days away from AEW Revolution, and it’s going to be extravagant. The 2022 edition of AEW Revolution is easily one of their most highly anticipated pay-per-view events of the year with one of the best story driven builds I’ve seen in a long time (even from AEW themselves).

The card is stacked to the heavens, and with the event already hyped up more than it can be, Tony Khan’s AEW Dynamite announcement only added more momentum to the luxury train carrying the weight of professional wrestling’s entertainment factor today.

So let me breakdown what happened on the most recent episode of AEW Dynamite! (3-2-22)

Shameless promotion: make sure to follow me on Twitter (KingSuplex93), Twitch (TheKingSuplex), and TikTok (RyanTalksWrestling) for more wrestling content!

Continue reading “The Kings Report: AEW Dynamite (3/2/22) – An Honorable Announcement”