AEW Logo Pack I – DL Available

I got bored and decided to make some basic logos for All Elite Wrestling.

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I am no graphic designer, I wish I was; I just don’t have the imagination when it comes to designing logos and the creativity that goes into it.

I think I’m capable of writing decent fictional stories, and decent professional wrestling storylines. But when it comes to designing logos? I don’t think I have it in me.

However, sometimes I do get into a deep creative mood, and I try my best even if the end product is incredibly simple.

Recently, an old hobby of mine has found new life within me. Way back in my WWE 2K18 days, I decided to start making pay-per-view and show posters for my WWE Universe Mode. I would sit on the computer for hours during classes and on my days off designing posters for my upcoming events in MyUniverse.

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